What does it mean when something works? I mean really works? I’ve had plenty of cars that “worked”; unfortunately they worked my checkbook harder than they worked as transportation. I’m driving one now as a matter of fact. Just because they are running does not mean that they work efficiently. It’s the same way for too many marketing programs today.

Rhetorical question:

What’s the main purpose of your advertising/marketing?

The answer:

To sell more of your products or service.

In order for this to happen, you have to have in place measurement matrices – the right ones.

For example, if someone tells me that the campaign they just did resulted in XXX more web visits than the same time as last year, I usually respond with a very sincere “so what?” Visits to a website do not necessarily translate into more sales. It’s the wrong thing to measure. Conversion to sales from your website/microsite is the key thing to measure in this example.

We got a 7.5% response rate! Again, “so what?” It’s the conversions to sales that should be measured, not the initial responders, unless they placed an order with their response. In insurance for instance, it’s the response rates that convert to applications and the applications that turn into paid premiums that count.

Let me make this even clearer: “Unaided brand awareness” does not translate into selling your products or services — at least not in the vast majority of instances.

Is a strong brand a benefit? Yes, if it’s strong in the sense that it has positive attributes among the target audience(s). People more often prefer brand names that are recognizable to them. However, an increase in your brand awareness does not always mean more sales. More people may know you, but they don’t care enough about you to buy your product or switch from their current, preferred brand.

Brand awareness, combined with a compelling offer can help immensely. Think Hyundai Automobiles and their Hyundai Assurance program. It, literally, put the company’s automobiles on the radar screen of many, many Americans. And they purchased them. That’s good effective marketing. Period.


Today what’s needed is a combination of compelling creative and the right offer/message, implemented with the CORRECT marketing mix. It is no longer a solo marketing channel world. Your media HAS to work in harmony for you to have the best success as soon as possible.

I know some people will tell me that their email, direct mail, telemarketing and/or TV campaigns are doing just fine with no additional integrated media support. I say “what other channels are you testing to boost your results?

THE BEST way to begin this marketing mix journey is by implementing a proven process. At Responsory, we use Direct Branding℠ as our roadmap. It really works because it makes all of your advertising and marketing work harder and smarter.

So, when you are developing or revising your marketing plan (you do have a plan, right?), make sure you pay close attention to your media mix and the testing going on there. You’ll be glad you did.