As a B2B marketing professional, there’s a very good chance you’ve been involved in a website redesign project. Your website renovation experience can offer invaluable insights to your B2B marketing peers.


Was it a success? Did it go over budget? What services did you outsource? How did you choose a partner? Your survey participation will help Responsory round out our 2018 B2B Marketer’s Guide to Website Redesign. Survey participants will receive a complimentary copy of the Guide once it is published in early 2018.

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What to expect from our Guide

In the digital era of B2B marketing, your organization’s website is more critical than ever. It serves as the hub of your marketing efforts and should attract visitors, generate leads and drive growth. But as you know, this is easier said than done.  Responsory’s 2018 B2B Marketer’s Guide to Website Redesign will reveal:

  • Reasons to consider a revamp of your current website
  • How to evaluate your current website
  • Steps for planning a successful redesign
  • How to design a best-in-class website
  • Ways to establish metrics to measure success
  • Answers to common post-launch concerns

The 12-question B2B Website Redesign Survey takes only a couple of minutes to complete and you’ll automatically receive a free copy of our insightful guide once it’s published. We appreciate your participation. Thank you!

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