Blog Quote

We hear this over and over when talking with our clients about developing a blog for their B2B websites. They think blogging is a lot of work for little gain or they believe blogs are for sharing personal anecdotes,not for business. What they don’t realize is a blog is one of the most powerful marketing tools for B2B companies today.

Here’s why:

Brand Awareness Blogs build brand awareness.

A blog gives you a free-form platform to share details about your company, the services you offer and other noteworthy information in a creative way. You have a never-ending list of topics simply because you work there: What makes you passionate about your company? Does your company go to tradeshows? Have you helped a customer overcome a problem ? What new trends are you seeing in your industry?

 Blogs get your company discovered more quickly.

Google, Bing and other search engines love sites that have a high number of pages that are updated regularly. Every time you post a blog, a new page is created, making it a quick, easy way to increase your volume of indexed pages and improve SEO ranking of your website. Tip: Get your website copy closer to SEO worthiness BEFORE it gets published with The Ultimate SEO Copywriting Cheat Sheet.

Visite Site Blogs give prospects more reasons to visit your website.

Regular posts that answer questions, solve problems and offer advice establish you as an authority in your field. The more you write and share, the higher your trust value rises and readers will continue to visit and revisit your site. Adding a blog subscription form is a terrific way to remind prospects when there’s something new and organically grow your email list.

On Site Longer Blogs keep readers on your website longer.

A sure-fire way to keep prospects engaged: include clickable links from your blog post to internal pages on your site. The longer they stay, the more they’ll learn about who you are and what you have to offer. And, adding a lead-generating call-to-action can turn traffic from your blog into leads for your sales team.

 Social Media Blogs enhance your social media marketing strategy.

Slideshows, infographics, ebooks and case studies are all excellent content to share across your social media channels. And your blog is the best place to post these first. Readers are more inclined to share blog posts on their social media accounts than other types of pages.

At Responsory, we’ve helped many clients establish effective brand-building blogs. Contact us today to discover more.